Medieval Warfare Book Reviews

Chronological Periods

Reviews are grouped by category and come from various sources.

  • DRM Review indicates a book reviewed specifically for DRM thanks the publishers who have generously provided us with copies of their books for review.
  • DRM Review indicates a book reviewed in the H-Net book review lists. The H-Net network has numerous subject-specific mailing lists and publishes hundreds of reviews each year.
  • TMR Review indicated reviews from The Medieval Review. Since 1993, The Medieval Review (TMR; formerly the Bryn Mawr Medieval Review) has been publishing reviews of current work in all areas of Medieval Studies, a field it interprets as broadly as possible.  Here are some of their reviews dealing with medieval military history.
  • FindArticles are reviews found through

TOPEarly Medieval (Late Antique through Norman)

TOPCrusades and the Military Orders

TOPLate Medieval/Renaissance


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Information for Publishers

If you have books that you would like reviewed by De Re Militari, please contact the book review editor at:

Steven Walton, DRM book review editor
Program in Science, Technology, & Society
Penn State University
130A Willard Building
University Park, PA 16802

We welcome books on all aspects of military history and science from late Roman to Early Modern (c.400-1648).

Unsolicited review copies are most welcome, but we cannot guarantee that all we receive will generate a review, although we certainly do try to review all books that come in. If you would like to send a list of books available for review, we will endeavor to find a reviewer who will then contact you to receive the book directly. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact the book review ediotr at <[email protected]>.